When I created this first photoshop image, I had just returned from a rock climbing trip with my friends where I had taken many photos of them climbing. During our class that week, we learned how to cut out images using photoshop so I decided that I wanted to create an image of my friends, looking like giants, climbing up a huge cliff. I thought this looked funny in comparison to the little boulders that we usually climb.For my second photoshop image, I took some photographs of my boyfriend and combined them together in a dramatic way by first using the Adjustment Tool to make the main photograph black and white, and then using the Opacity Tool to overlay additional photographs on top of one another. I completed the image by using the Polygonal Lasso Tool to cut out the corner of the image, giving the effect that it has broken. My third image took inspiration from 70’s, hippie style, posters. For this image, I wanted to try using fonts and working with multiple layers and colours.I wanted my last image to represent the protests in Fairy Creek, BC. Logging companies want to cut down old-growth forests where some of the trees are more than 800 years-old! I wanted to create a poster reflecting how we should be protecting and respecting our forests. To create my poster, I used many of the photoshop skills I acquired in this class: fonts, drop shadows, changing opacity, and cutting different objects.
Since I will be an elementary school teacher once I have completed my university program, I decided that for my first coding project I would create something that would be fun and interesting for young students. I used Scratch to create a 30 second animation of a fairy and a Princess. All of the characters would definitely have been fun for me when I was younger. To create the animation, I imported png versions of the different sprites that I wanted to use into Scratch, then coded each sprite’s movements separately using the Scratch blocks.Code for FairyCode for SparklesCode for HorseCode for PumpkinCode for CarriageCode for PrincessI used Java, on the p5.js editor, to create an abstract artwork for my second coding project. I wanted the art piece to have a very 80’s style to it, with bright colours and geometric shapes. To create the artwork, I mainly focused on using the x-axis and y-axis to place objects, as well as learning the code for different colours and shapes.