About Me

Hello, my name is Ayden Weber and I am in my second year of the Bachelor of Education (Elementary Curriculum) program at the University of Victoria. Through my passion for sports, the outdoors, and traveling, I have discovered a love of teaching and instructing. During high school, I began coaching gymnastics and field hockey, both sports that I love and played throughout my childhood. In the later years of high school, I began working at an Outdoor Education Centre, working with school groups and, during the summers, at summer camp. At this job, I was able to teach children about the outdoors, something that is very important to me. I taught rock climbing, kayaking, and hiking, and was able to teach the children about the amazing outdoor environment which was so much fun! At this outdoor education centre, I had the chance to work with people from all around the world, giving me the desire to travel and see the countries that they came from. After I graduated from high school, I moved to New Zealand and began working at a YMCA Outdoor Education Centre, where, once again, I was lucky enough to be able to teach children about the outdoors. Through my different coaching and instructing jobs, I have learned and grown into the educator that I am today. I can’t wait to grow more through this program and learn how to be an amazing teacher!

The staff team at Camp Raukawa in New Zealand.